Useful parent information resources:
- Paediatrics Online:
A reputable site of curated links and resources on child health which is designed to complement a clinic appointment with your paediatrician. - Royal Children’s Hospital Kids Health Information Factsheets
- Raising Children Network
- South Australia Parent Information
- Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient Information
- Asthma Australia
- Epilepsy Foundation Victoria
- PENNSW: The Paediatric Epilepsy Network NSW
- Learning Difficulties Victoria
- Amaze (Autism)
- Continence Foundation of Australia
- Down syndrome Victoria
- Genetic and Rare Disease Network
- Speech Pathology Australia
Information Sessions, Webinars and Podcasts:
- Webinar - The Royal Childrens Hospital: Supporting children's mental health.
- Webinar - The Royal Childrens Hospital: Supporting your child through COVID-19.
- Webinar - Helping children manage anxiety (Emma-Rose Parsons - Spectrum House)
- Webinar - Supporting anxious, stressed parents (Emma-Rose Parsons - Spectrum House)