Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the difference between the Paediatric Health Collective, Spectrum House and Thrive Paediatrics?
- What should I expect at my first appointment?
- Do I need a referral?
- Is there a fee for service?
- How do I give feedback about my experience?
- Where do I park when attending the Paediatric Health Collective?
- What should I bring to my appointment?
- Do your appointments run on time?
- How long will my appointment be?
- What are your fees?
- Do I need private health insurance?
- How do I pay?
- How do I cancel my appointment?
- Do I need an appointment for repeat prescriptions?
- How do I contact my specialist between appointments?
- What if I am calling with an emergency?
- What is the procedure for working with separated families?
- What if I am not happy with the care I have received?
- I’m a health professional, how do I contact you about a client/patient?
The Paediatric Health Collective has been created by co-directors Emma-Rose Parsons, Tanya Newnham and Anisha Pillay with a shared vision to create a space where different paediatric specialists/disciplines can practice within the same space, share resources and most importantly share the same core values of respect, integrity, collaboration and empowerment. Patient experience and partnership is integral to how we operate. We believe that families should feel welcome and their opinions heard and valued and that clinicians and all staff should gain enjoyment from work.
Spectrum House and Thrive Paediatrics are independent entities, operating within the Paediatric Health Collective.
Spectrum House is a small, passionate and dedicated team of psychologists founded by psychologist Emma-Rose Parsons.
Thrive Paediatrics is an associateship between paediatricians Dr Tanya Newnham and Dr Anisha Pillay. Both Tanya and Anisha run independent practices under the umbrella of Thrive Paediatrics.
When booking your first appointment, our practice angels will ask about the nature of the issue requiring an appointment, to ensure that we provide you with the best possible service. All of our practice angels are trained in confidentiality and our privacy policy can be accessed (here).
Paediatric initial appointments are between 45 minutes to 1 hour duration. Please bring your medicare card and a referral from your local doctor (GP) as well as all relevant blood test results, X-rays, previous medical and allied health assessments and any reports your child may have had. For young children please also bring their ‘My Health, Learning and Development Record’ (Green Folder).
Psychology initial appointments usually are 50 mins in duration.
Please bring any relevant documentation or referrals if you have these. Please discuss with us if you would like to have a your first session with the parents only or the child involved.
For paediatric services, we encourage GP referrals, as this not only enables you to claim medicare rebates for your appointment but also ensures continuity of care.
GP referrals are valid for 12 months and specialist referrals for 3 months. For medicare purposes, referrals are specific to the issue stated on the referral and if you require advice about another issue, a separate referral is required.
For psychology services medicare rebates may be relevant, please speak with your GP or psychologist to understand how these work.
Paediatric Health Collective Specialists provide private fee for service practice. Accounts are payable on the day of the consultation. Our specialists are in high demand and so there is a fee if you fail to attend your appointment or cancel within 48 hours of your appointment.
Fee structures will be explained when you book your appointment and our Practice Angels are here to help with any questions you may have around payment.
Life is a journey of learning. We will constantly strive to improve our practice and as such, all constructive feedback is encouraged and will be gratefully received. Our preference is that feedback be given in writing to ensure that it gets actioned and we welcome receiving it either by email or by post. All feedback will be documented and addressed at our monthly staff meetings, or sooner if appropriate.
There is ample street parking close to the practice, for example in Cherry Road or on Whitehorse Road.
The practice is also accessible by public transport. The number 109 tram runs along Whitehorse road and the practice can be accessed from tram stop 47.
Please bring your medicare card and a referral from your local doctor (GP) as well as all relevant blood test results, X-rays, previous medical and allied health assessments and any reports your child may have had. For young children please also bring their ‘My Health, Learning and Development Record’ (Green Folder).
All our clinicians are aware that your time is valuable and endeavour to run to time, however, some patients/clients require extra time due to their complexities and sometimes this is unforeseen or unpredictable. We will try wherever possible to inform you if a clinician is significantly delayed.
Paediatric new appointments are usually 45 minutes for the initial consultation and 30 minutes for a review appointment.
Psychology appointments are usually 50 minutes of 1:1 time and 10 mins is allowed for note taking and follow up tasks.
Psychological tests range from 1-3 hours – please ask for more information.
You will be informed of the appointment length at the time of booking
All practising clinicians have different fee structures and fees vary depending on the service provided. Fees will be explained at the time of booking your appointment. Please note that we are a private fee for service practice and we do not routinely bulk bill. Patients are able to claim a portion of the consultation fee back as a medicare rebate for all paediatric medical consultations and many psychology consultations, provided they have a valid GP referral or Mental Health Care Plan respectively.
No, you do not need private health insurance. Paediatric medical consultation are not claimable through private health insurance.
If you have private health insurance, you may be able to claim some rebates for certain psychology consultations – you will need to discuss this with our Practice Angels.
Accounts are payable on the day of your consultation. We accept cash, EFTPOS or most credit cards (not American Express).
To cancel your appointment, we ask that you phone or email our practice as soon as possible and at least 48 hours before your appointment. This is important as our specialists are in high demand and it allows us to offer someone else your appointment time. Failure to attend your appointment or cancellation within 48 hours of your appointment will incur a cancellation fee. This will be discussed with you at the time of booking.
Yes. When required, prescriptions will be given to you at the time of your appointment. Unless pre-arranged with the clinician, repeat prescriptions will require a review appointment. Phone requests for repeat prescriptions may incur a fee.
If you need to contact your specialist between appointments, you are welcome to email the Paediatric Health Collective or you may email Spectrum House or Thrive Paediatrics directly. Please note that if you have not seen a specialist for over 6 months, then they may not be able to provide advice without an appointment. Please also note that all of our specialists only work part-time and they will respond to your email as soon as possible when they are next at work.
Our specialists do not provide an afterhours or emergency service.
For emergencies, please see your GP, go to your nearest hospital emergency department, call 000 or call lifeline on 13 11 14.
We commonly see children with separated parents. We believe that the best outcome for our patients/clients is when we can work together with both parents towards shared goals. Ideally, both parents will be present or have their view represented for all consultations. We do however realise that this is not always possible, especially where there is a high degree of conflict. Parents are required to inform us of any Court Order that restricts access of either parent/guardian to the child’s personal information. We also encourage parents to share with us any history of family violence to that we can provide appropriate support.
We have a separate form for separated parents to complete, which acknowledges the complexities which may occur. By completing the form, you acknowledge that we will provide advice and treatment based on what we professionally believe is in the best interest of your child and that it is not our role to mediate any dispute or difference of opinion between parents.
We encourage you to raise you concerns with us directly so that we can address any issues early and hopefully work with you to address your concerns. Open communication is paramount. In addition, with talking to us directly, we welcome and encourage written feedback either by email or by posting it in our feedback box located within the practice. All feedback will be documented and addressed at our monthly staff meetings, or sooner if appropriate.
One of our core values at Paediatric Health Collective is collaboration. We welcome professionals of all disciplines contacting us to discuss shared patients/clients (with appropriate patient/client consent). Too often health professional work in silos - by sharing information our patients will receive the best possible holistic care.
We are also keen to work collaboratively with local GPs. We are happy to take calls as needed for advice.
Please email or fax GP referrals to info@phcollective.com.au addressed to the relevant clinician.
Please contact us directly for professional development training and information.